
Council Committees

In place of standing committees, the City Council shall operate on a Committee of the Whole system.
Committee of the Whole
2nd and 4th Monday of each month

The Committee of the Whole shall consist of 2nd and 4th Mondays each month seven (7) alderpersons and the Mayor. The Committee of the Whole shall hear all matter relating to personnel, buildings and grounds, finance and license approvals, and protections of persons and property. The City Council may refer matters to the Committee of the Whole for deliberation and recommendation to the City Council. The Committee of the Whole shall also consider any matters referred by the City Administrator or any members of the City Council or boards and commissions.

City of Brillion Committees, Commissions and Boards
City Committees, Commissions and Boards are responsible for making decisions on basic services and community needs, and forwards recommendations directly to City Council for appropriate action. A description for each commission is listed below.

Commissioners of the Housing Authority
4th Monday of each month
(Park View Homes)
Responsible for policy decisions, promotions, and general staffing issues for the assisted dwelling accommodations for the elderly in the City.
To find out more about housing opportunities through the Brillion Housing Authority click here.
Cemetery Commission
On call
Has general supervision and control of cemeteries maintained by the City.

Library Board
2nd Wednesday of each month
Has charge, control and custody of all library lands, buildings, money or other property devised, bequeathed, given or granted to or otherwise acquired or leased by the City for library purposes.

Park & Recreation Commission
1st Thursday of each month
(Brillion Community Center)
Governs, manages, controls, improves and cares for all City parks and the Brillion Community Center.

Plan Commission
1st Monday of each month
(City Hall)
Promotes municipal planning in cooperation with the City Council.

Redevelopment Authority Commission
2nd Thursday of each month
Acts as the agent of the City to prevent and eliminate blighted areas within its district.

Water & Sewer Utility Commission
3rd Monday of each month
Has entire charge, management, and direction of any water and sewer utility, property, plant, equipment and business owned by the City, subject only to the general control and supervision of the City Council.