Sanitary Sewer I/I Reduction Plan

Sanitary Sewer I/I Reduction:
The City of Brillion, under the orders of the Wis. Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR), has spent a significant amount of time developing an effective Infiltration/Inflow (I/I) Remediation Plan. I/I is the infiltration and inflow of clear (storm) water into the sanitary sewer system. A Facilities Plan to Address Wet Weather Peak Flow was submitted to the DNR. The recommended plan included in the Facilities Plan was to implement a City-Wide Private Sanitary Sewer Lateral Remediation Program and various miscellaneous sewer utility projects.
The Utility Commission/City Council developed a Private Sanitary Sewer Lateral Remediation Program. The program will include remediation of the laterals from the building connection to the terrace or curb. The remainder of the laterals from the curb to the main line sewer will be remediated as part of street improvement projects. The Private Sanitary Sewer Lateral Remediation Program may be implemented in combination with street projects and will include remediation of defective laterals from the building to the main line sewer, remediation of the main line sewer and manholes, replacement of the water main if needed, installation of mini-storm sewers, installation of storm laterals from the mini-storm sewer to the building and street reconstruction or improvements as needed. Lateral remediation may include repair or replacement as appropriate. This program will address sources of clear water in both the public and private sections of the sanitary sewer system.
The Utility Commission/City Council developed a Private Sanitary Sewer Lateral Remediation Program. The program will include remediation of the laterals from the building connection to the terrace or curb. The remainder of the laterals from the curb to the main line sewer will be remediated as part of street improvement projects. The Private Sanitary Sewer Lateral Remediation Program may be implemented in combination with street projects and will include remediation of defective laterals from the building to the main line sewer, remediation of the main line sewer and manholes, replacement of the water main if needed, installation of mini-storm sewers, installation of storm laterals from the mini-storm sewer to the building and street reconstruction or improvements as needed. Lateral remediation may include repair or replacement as appropriate. This program will address sources of clear water in both the public and private sections of the sanitary sewer system.