Housing Program

CDBG-Housing Program
Phone: (920) 448-6480
Fax: (920) 448-4487

Todd D. Mead, Senior Planner-Brown County
The Brown County Planning and Land Services Department will be administering the State of Wisconsin Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)–Housing program for the Northeastern Wisconsin region, which includes Calumet County.  There is approximately $2 million in funding available across the region with approximately $120,000 in project funds for Calumet County.

In general, projects for CDBG-Housing funds may include:
  • Zero-percent deferred payment housing rehabilitation loans to low- and moderate-income (LMI) owner-occupied households.  Projects could include such actions as replacement of private on-site wastewater treatment systems or wells, new electrical or plumbing systems, lead paint or asbestos abatement, roof replacement, or any other rehabilitation deemed necessary to meet housing quality standard (HQS) inspection.  This will be the primary point of emphasis for the program.
  • Zero-percent installment housing rehabilitation loans with a 5 yr pay back, to owners of LMI renter-occupied units.
  • Handicap accessibility for LMI households.
For more information about this program, visit the Brown County website Brown County Planning office, at 920-448-6480.
First Time Homebuyer Program
Phone: 920-739-6811, ext. 111
Nicole Lemke, Homebuyer Program Manager
Appleton Housing Authority

The Appleton Housing Authority offers a First Time Homebuyer Program to help qualified applicants reach their dream of owning a home.  Applicants are free to purchase any house that is located in Outagamie or Calumet County.  The program offers funding from federal, state and local sources to qualified applicantes to receive assistance for down payment and needed repairs for upgrades to homes they buy.  This assistance is given as 0% interest deferred payment loans.  Homeowners do not make payments to the Housing Authority as long as they live in their house. 

To be eligible, households must be below 80% of the County Median Income.  These income limits are adjusted for the number of people that live in the household.  Only people who are looking for a single family house will qualify.
For more information please contact Nicole Lemke, Appleton Housing Authority (920) 739-6811, ext. 111, or visit the Appleton Housing Authority website.